Table of contents
- Annual report 2022–2023 – Home
- Message from the President
- NRC at a glance
- Revitalizing key facilities
- Highlights and achievements
- Toward inclusivity in research
- Awards and honours
- NRC leadership
Plain HTML version: Laying the foundations for tomorrow's innovations: 2022–2023 annual report
Our vision
A better Canada and world through excellence in research and innovation.
Our mission
To have an impact by advancing knowledge, applying leading-edge technologies and working with other innovators to find creative, relevant and sustainable solutions to Canada's current and future economic, social and environmental challenges.
Our values: Integrity
Behaving at all times ethically, honestly and objectively; being impartial and transparent with our colleagues, collaborators, stakeholders, clients and the people of Canada; and exercising sound stewardship of our resources.
Our values: Excellence
Pursuing excellence in all that we do: in our research and innovation, in our collaborations, in execution of our programs, in our support to firms and in our delivery of our common corporate services.
Our values: Respect
Valuing and respecting the knowledge, expertise and diversity of our colleagues, our workplace, our collaborators, our stakeholders and our clients to have an impact on Canada and the world.
Our values: Creativity
Harnessing our imagination, passion for excellence, scientific exploration, technology and innovation to generate new knowledge, new technologies, new business processes and new collaborations for a better NRC and a better world.
Our research centres
Our research spans 14 research centres across 5 divisions, with facilities in 24 locations across Canada.
- full-time equivalent staff
- nationalities in our workforce
- women in our workforce
- students, postdoctoral fellowships and research associates
- laboratory locations
- NRC IRAP points of service
full-time equivalent staff
2,293 scientists, engineers and technicians
nationalities in our workforce
women in our workforce
(relative to Canadian market availability: 38.2%)
students, postdoctoral fellowships and research associates (hires)
laboratory sites
NRC IRAP points of service
Scientific achievements
- peer-reviewed publications
- citation score relative to world average
- co-authorship rate with external partners
- patent applications in 2022–2023
peer-reviewed publicationsFootnote 2
53 publications per 100 scientists/engineers/technicians
citation score relative to world averageFootnote 3
co-authorship rate with external partnersFootnote 2
10.9% with United Kingdom
8.5% with Germany
5.2% with Japan
patent applications in 2022–2023
1,951 active patents (461 patent families)
606 active patents currently licensed
R&D clients and collaborators
- clients say the NRC helped them achieve results
- R&D projects for clients
- active collaborative R&D projects
clients say the NRC helped them achieve resultsFootnote 4
R&D projects for clients
(969 R&D clients)
active collaborative R&D projects
(116 funded collaborators)
Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP)
- total clients
- total jobs supported
- total revenue growth of client firms
- employee growth of client firms
total clients
3,486 funded firms
6,204 firms received advisory services only
total jobs supported
total revenue growth of client firmsFootnote 5
employee growth of client firmsFootnote 5
NRC IRAP to transition to the Canada Innovation Corporation
The Government of Canada is launching the Canada Innovation Corporation (CIC), which will be a Crown corporation dedicated to supporting business R&D across all sectors. After more than 75 years of providing innovation assistance to small and medium-sized businesses in Canada as part of the NRC, NRC IRAP will leave the NRC to become part of the new CIC.
This move will enhance NRC IRAP's capacity to serve its clients, while continuing to work closely with the NRC on key projects. This transition will take place approximately 24 months after its announcement in February 2023. Until the transition is complete, NRC IRAP's business will continue as usual, as part of the NRC, with steadfast delivery to its clients.
FinancialFootnote 6
total expenditures
(operating, capital, and grants and contributions)
$875.5M research centres
$595.3M NRC IRAP
total revenues
47% industry
8% other (i.e., academia, non-profits, etc.)
45% other government departments
funding programs
(grants and contributions expenditures)
$489.4M NRC IRAP
$34.8M collaborative science, technology and innovation
$26.6M telescopes
$2.2M other G&Cs