Order support
If you don't have your customer number (PDS) or your sales order number, or you need to check your order status, please contact client services at:
Telephone: 1-800-672-7990 (in Canada) or 1-613-993-2463 (for Ottawa-Gatineau and international calls)
Opening Hours: 8:30am to 4:30pm eastern time, Monday to Friday.
Email: CONSTPubsales-Ventes@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Virtual Store Support
For help with the Virtual Store website ("My Account", "Shopping Basket"), use the Technical help link.
Technical support for CODES-GUIDES Online and the Codes Canada website
Prior to contacting technical support, please review our troubleshooting guide.
To facilitate resolution of your technical support case, please provide the following information:
- Full name and organization
- Phone number
- Specific product you are calling about
- PDS number
- Sales order number
- Brief description of the problem including error message, if any.
Telephone: 1-800-672-7990, then press 2 (in Canada) or 1-613-990-8425 (for Ottawa-Gatineau and international calls)
Email: CodesTechSupportTechnique.CONST@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Technical support is available 9am to 4pm eastern time, Monday to Friday.