

Supporting international co-innovation

Are you a Canadian innovator seeking opportunities beyond Canada's borders? International co-innovation is a powerful pathway to growth. It provides access to the expertise, knowledge and resources needed to reach new markets and global value chains.

Eureka is the world's largest international network for industrial research and development (R&D) collaboration that includes over 45 economies from Europe, Chile, Israel, Singapore, South Korea, South Africa and Canada. It aims to facilitate market-oriented, industry-led R&D collaboration projects across borders, bringing together small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), large companies, research centres, universities and other innovators.

The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) is Canada's national office for Eureka and provides Canadian companies, researchers and academics with a first point of contact and access to the expansive global network.

Canada–Germany Eureka co-chair

The NRC and Germany's Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) will co-chair the Eureka network from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. Visit the co-chair web page to learn more.

Celebrating Eureka success

Canada joined Eureka in 2012 as an associate member and was invited to become a full member in June 2022. Full membership allows Canada to contribute more fully to the goals of the network and create even more opportunities for Canadian innovators to work with international partners.

Since joining in 2012, the NRC has supported more than:

Canadian participants in co‑innovation projects

international collaboration partners


$800M CAD
estimated project value

How to become involved in Eureka

Who can participate in Eureka projects?

With the goal of increasing competitiveness in world markets, Eureka brings together SMEs, large companies, research centres, universities and other innovators from Eureka countries to work together on market-driven industrial R&D.

What are the benefits of participating in a Eureka project?

International R&D projects see high-quality innovation. They combine expertise, exchange knowledge, enhance resources and capabilities, and reduce risks. Eureka project participants get access to the support and services needed to help them collaborate and grow beyond Canada's borders.

Benefits of participating in a Eureka project:

  • Support with advancing your expansion into new markets
  • Access to global value chains
  • Matchmaking to help you find the right foreign partners based on your specific needs to help accelerate your R&D capabilities
  • Expert advice and support in developing effective project consortiums to execute co-innovation projects and successfully commercialize technology
  • Access to available funding to support co-innovation projects

What support does NRC IRAP provide?

Eureka simplifies the funding process by helping to cut through the "red tape" that can slow down industry-led projects that involve multiple international participants. It does so by coordinating national financial support rather than trying to harmonize the funding rules of the member countries. Each national funding body will independently perform application processes and evaluations in accordance with their national and institutional laws and regulations.

Canadian SMEs approved for Eureka projects receive advisory services and funding support from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP). NRC IRAP provides valuable support to Canadian companies from the start of their project and throughout their international collaboration journey, from co-innovation partner selection to project proposal development and execution.

Interested Canadian SMEs must be NRC IRAP clients. Connect with NRC IRAP by calling 1-877-994-4727 to find out if your business is eligible for support.

Other eligible Canadian organizations can participate on a self-funded basis.

How do I get started?

To view current Eureka calls for proposals and collaboration opportunities, visit the NRC IRAP International opportunities web page. For more information, please email Eric Holdrinet, NRC IRAP National Program Coordinator for Eureka in Canada at

International opportunities open to new applications

See all current opportunities

Contact us

Media Relations
National Research Council of Canada


Share your feedback

Our goal is to provide the best possible service. Follow the NRC IRAP feedback process to let us know how we can improve.


Read success stories to learn more about different types of Eureka projects.

'One patient, one team' approach for hospitals

During a patient's journey through the health system, his or her medical information is often stored in multiple databases focusing on specific elements of the needed care and the patient's condition—even within 1 hospital.

Old masters for our times

Artwork kept under wraps at London's Tate Britain and Tate Modern is showcased using new 3D printing technology that can bring old masterpieces back to life.

DNA analysis is saving our freshwater biodiversity

Freshwater ecosystems and their biodiversity face growing threats. But thanks to cutting-edge R&D, we are witnessing remarkable progress in how we can conserve the life in our lakes and rivers.