The NRC’s 3 m x 6 m propulsion icing wind tunnel

Located at the NRC's Aerospace Research Centre's in Ottawa, the 3 m x 6 m wind tunnel is the only facility in the world that can accommodate full-scale, full-speed, cold-temperature tests with fluids.

The NRC's 3 m x 6 m propulsion icing wind tunnel video - Transcript

[On screen: 3 m x 6 m propulsion icing wind tunnel]

[On screen: The only facility in the world that can accommodate full-scale, full-speed, cold-temperature tests with fluids.]

[On screen: Open-circuit layout allows for contaminants to be introduced into the airstream.]

[On screen: High-solidity fan reduces unsteadiness due to atmospheric wind.]

[On screen: 6.1 m high 3.1 m wide]

[On screen: 32 m/s on electric drive 50 m/s on gas turbine drive]

[On screen: We can test structures for land, sea, and air applications.]

[On screen: Aerodynamics of ground-based structures: bridges, buildings, and green-roof testing.]

[On screen: Assess helicopter loading due to aerodynamics in high-sea states.

Helps pilots determine efficient flying operations.]

[On screen: De-risk your product design in the 3 m x 6 m icing wind tunnel.


[On screen: Government of Canada Wordmark]

[On screen: official signature, National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada]

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