Thermometry and humidity calibration services


Please note our prices are subject to change.


A complete range of temperature and humidity calibrations is available for temperature fixed points, resistance thermometers, liquid-in-glass thermometers, thermistors, thermocouples, humidity sensors and non-contact thermometers. Special arrangements can be made to calibrate other temperature or humidity measuring devices. The NRC normally calibrates only first-class instruments. We may refuse to undertake certain, or all, methods of calibration for inferior instruments. We can advise clients on the selection, use and appropriate calibration of sensors for any aspect of temperature and/or humidity measurement.


The NRC has a complete set of primary standards (calibration equipment and thermometers), which enables us to realize the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90), in accordance with its definition, from 14 K to 3200 K. In addition, we have calibration facilities for all the types of thermometers commonly used in the above temperature range. Furnaces, cryostats and measuring equipment are also available for studies of melting and freezing points of high-purity materials as temperature reference points, for annealing of electrical thermometers and for examining the behaviour of temperature-measuring instruments.

Relative humidity and dew-point calibrations are performed in a two-pressure humidity generator traceable to NRC pressure and temperature standards. Calibrations are performed in air. Hygrometers (humidity probes) can be calibrated either directly inside the humidity generator or remotely by connecting them to the generator via air intake tube.


Request a quote

If you wish to order a calibration service, please request a quote from the following technical contact:

Temperature Metrology

Note that fees for measurement and calibration services are subject to change. The fees for service quoted do not include shipping, insurance or the cost of a customs broker. The client must arrange and pay for these services separately.

Calibration number Description Fee / CAD
A33-03-00-00 Custom temperature standards measurements or services Fee on request
A33-03-00-01 Handling fee. A charge is levied for any instrument that is found to be unsuitable for calibration. This fee covers opening, inspection and return, and is based on the work done prior to the discovery of the fault. $310

ITS-90 calibration between 13.8033 K and 1234.93 K

In the range between 13.8033 K and 1234.93 K the ITS-90 is defined by the standard platinum resistance thermometer (SPRT), when the latter is calibrated at specific sets of defining fixed points, called temperature fixed points, and is used with specified reference and deviation functions for interpolation at intervening temperatures. The defining temperature fixed points are listed in the following table.

T90 / K t90 / °C Temperature fixed point
13.8033 -259.3467 e-Hydrogen triple point.
17.035 -256.115 e-Hydrogen vapour pressure point near 33.3213 kPa.
20.27 -252.88 e-Hydrogen vapour pressure point near 101.292 kPa.
24.5561 -248.5939 Neon triple point.
54.3584 -218.7916 Oxygen triple point.
83.8058 -189.3442 Argon triple point.
234.3156 -38.8344 Mercury triple point.
273.16 0.010 Water triple point.
302.9146 29.7646 Gallium melting point.
429.7485 156.5985 Indium freezing point.
505.078 231.928 Tin freezing point.
692.677 419.527 Zinc freezing point.
933.473 660.323 Aluminium freezing point.
1234.93 961.78 Silver freezing point.

The ITS-90 contains a number of overlapping subranges. The calibration of a particular SPRT involves selecting the range over which the thermometer will be used, or the maximum range over which the SPRT may be operated in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. SPRTs may be broadly classified into two types: capsule thermometers (CSPRT) and long-stem thermometers (LSPRT). Capsule thermometers are used primarily between 13.8 K and 273 K and, by the nature of their construction, generally become an integral part of the apparatus in which they are used to determine temperature. Long-stem SPRTs (25 Ω at 0 °C) normally operate between 84 K and 660 °C. The high-temperature platinum resistance thermometer (HTPRT) (0.25 to 2.5 Ω at 0 °C) may be operated to 961.78 °C.

Calibration of temperature fixed-point cells

The following services are provided for calibrating temperature fixed-point cells. The corresponding ITS-90 temperature is shown in the table above. Each calibration includes the measurement of: 1) a complete freezing/melting curve; 2) an immersion profile; 3) two simultaneous realizations of the NRC reference cell and client cell in two separate cryostats, furnaces or calibration baths. Note that for the argon fixed point the cryostat is to be provided by the client and the immersion profile is not collected.

Calibration number Description Fee / CAD
A33-03-07-01 Calibration of Argon (Ar) Fixed Point Cells $10,830
A33-03-07-02 Calibration of Mercury (Hg), triple point of water (TPW), and Gallium (Ga) Fixed Point Cells $7,380
A33-03-07-03 Calibration of Indium (In), Tin (Sn) and Zinc (Zn) Fixed Point Cells $8,845
A33-03-07-04 Calibration of Aluminum (Al) and Silver (Ag) Fixed Point Cells $9,350

Long-stem SPRTs and HTPRTs

The following services are provided for long-stem SPRTs and HTPRTs. The temperature ranges are as shown for each calibration.

Calibration number Description Fee / CAD
A33-03-02-01 This service covers the preliminary preparation and testing of each thermometer. $1,130
A33-03-02-06 From -189 °C to 0 °C. This includes calibration at the triple points of argon, mercury and water. $4,265
A33-03-02-11 From -38 °C to 30 °C. This includes calibration at the triple points of mercury and water and at the melting point of gallium. $3,690
A33-03-02-15 From 0 °C to 30 °C. This includes calibration at the triple point of water and at the melting point of gallium. $2,460
A33-03-02-16 From 0 °C to 157 °C. This includes calibration at the triple point of water and the freezing point of indium. $2,705
A33-03-02-17 From 0 °C to 232 °C. This includes calibration at the triple point of water and the freezing points of indium and tin. $4,180
A33-03-02-18 From 0 °C to 420 °C. This includes calibration at the triple point of water and the freezing points of tin and zinc. $4,180
A33-03-02-19 From 0 °C to 660 °C. This includes calibration at the triple point of water and the freezing points of tin, zinc and aluminium. $5,735
A33-03-02-20 From 0 °C to 962 °C. This includes calibration at the triple point of water and the freezing points of tin, zinc, aluminium and silver. $7,295

Platinum-rhodium thermocouples

Standard platinum 10 percent rhodium/platinum thermocouples (type S) must be at least 90 cm long and made of wire not less than 0.35 mm in diameter. It is recommended that a standard thermocouple be at least 120 cm long and be shipped as bare unstrained wire. This is to facilitate the annealing of the thermocouple wire at high temperature (1300 °C) by electrical heating prior to assembly. Platinum 13 percent rhodium/platinum thermocouples (type R) of the same construction will also be calibrated under A33-03-03-03.

Calibration number Description Fee / CAD
A33-03-03-01 This service provides calibration at the freezing points of zinc, aluminium and silver, with an uncertainty of 0.4 °C. $3,935
A33-03-03-03 Most calibrations of platinum-rhodium thermocouples are performed by comparison with a calibrated type-S (Pt -10 % Rh / Pt) or type-R (Pt -13 % Rh / Pt) thermocouple in an electrically-heated tube furnace over the range 250 °C to 1100 °C, with an uncertainty of 0.5 °C. $1,790
A33-03-03-04 This service provides calibration at the triple point of water or at the melting point of gallium. $1,055 / point
A33-03-03-05 This service provides calibration at the freezing points of indium, tin or zinc. $1,265 / point
A33-03-03-06 This service provides calibration at the freezing points of aluminium or silver. $1,335 / point

Thermocouples, thermistors and resistance thermometers (including laboratory grade digital thermometers)

This category includes both individual sensors (thermocouples, thermistors, industrial resistance temperature detectors) and various digital instruments that read directly in terms of temperature. Calibrations are performed by comparison against SPRTs or standard thermocouples that determine the calibration temperature. The comparison facilities include a variety of baths, furnaces and cryostats. Each calibration involves A33-03-04-01 and one or more of A33-03-04-02 to A33-03-04-05.

Calibration number Description Fee / CAD
A33-03-04-01 This service includes the handling and inspection of each instrument received by the laboratory for calibration. $430
A33-03-04-02 This service is performed only when it is necessary to anneal an instrument or to perform additional tests to assess its stability. $460
A33-03-04-03 This service calibrates thermocouples within the range 300 °C to 1100 °C within an electrically-heated tube furnace by comparison with a type-S thermocouple as the standard. $1,075
A33-03-04-04 A high-temperature furnace with a molybdenum disilicide heating element is available for calibrations within the range 1100 °C to 1700 °C. This service tests one instrument at one calibration temperature within the specified range. Separate fees apply to each instrument and each calibration temperature. $810 / point
A33-03-04-05 Within the range -80 °C to 500 °C, comparisons are carried out in stirred liquid baths (alcohol, water, oil, nitrate salts or aluminium oxide) with an SPRT as the standard. $270 / point
A33-03-04-06 Comparison near the boiling point of liquid nitrogen (approximately -196 °C). $420

Radiation thermometers

Radiation thermometers (RTs) are calibrated using a wide variety of variable temperature blackbody sources (VTBBs) covering a total range of -40 °C to 2500 °C. For temperatures below 1000 °C, the blackbodies are measured with a standard platinum resistance thermometer (SPRT) or a Au: Pt standard thermocouple traceable to the NRC realization of the international temperature scale of 1990 (ITS-90). For temperatures over 1000 °C, the blackbody is measured with a radiance temperature transfer standard calibrated in accordance with the ITS-90. Radiation thermometers with a field-of-view (spot size) up to and including 20 mm may be calibrated in this manner. RT calibrations using fixed point blackbody sources (FPBBs) are also available using indium, tin, zinc, aluminium, and silver FPBBs. Other radiation thermometers may be calibrated by special arrangement.

Calibration number Description Fee / CAD
A33-03-05-01 This service is for the calibration of a radiation thermometer within the range −40 °C to 50 °C (maximum of 2 points). $2,165
A33-03-05-03 This service is for the calibration of a radiation thermometer within the range 50 °C to 220 °C (maximum of 3 points ). $2,165
A33-03-05-04 This service is for the calibration of a radiation thermometer within the range 250 °C to 600 °C (maximum of 4 points). $2,165
A33-03-05-05 This service is for the calibration of a radiation thermometer within the range 600 °C to 1000 °C (maximum of 4 points). $2,165
A33-03-05-06 This service is for the calibration of a radiation thermometer within the range 1000 °C to 2000 °C (maximum of 5 points). $2,165
A33-03-05-07 This service is for the calibration of a radiation thermometer within the range 2000 °C to 3000 °C (maximum of 5 points). $2,165


Dew point hygrometers and relative humidity sensors

Hygrometers scaled in the units of dew point (or frost point) can be calibrated in the dew-point range from -35 °C to 30 °C. Each calibration involves A33-03-06-00 and one or more of A33-03-06-01.

Hygrometers scaled in the units of relative humidity can be calibrated in the relative humidity range from 10 % rh to 95 % rh at air temperatures ranging from 10 °C to 30 °C. Each calibration involves A33-03-06-00 and one or more of A33-03-06-01 or A33-03-06-02.

Calibration number Description Fee / CAD
A33-03-06-00 This service includes the handling and inspection of each instrument received by the laboratory for calibration. $340
A33-03-06-01 This service provides calibration for a dew point hygrometer using a humidity generator. $385 / point
A33-03-06-02 This service provides calibration for a relative humidity sensor using a humidity generator. $385 / point